Monday, April 20, 2009

Oh No! The British are Coming!

By far one of the most delightful things about living in Boston is Patriot's Day. This morning I peeled the rascals out of their beds at 5 a.m., loaded them in the car and made it to Lexington in time to see and hear "the shot heard
round the world." As you can see, the Little Mr. was in fine form and looooved the event. He's been talking about those "Redcoats" all year since the last re-enactment, so it was hard to coax him off the Green. Breakfast with friends in Lexington, parades, a daytime ride of Paul Revere through our town, the Boston Marathon and the opening day of a favorite ice cream stand complete the day. Now I'm off to take a well-deserved nap!

1 comment:

Erik Isakson said...

Love the blog. Love it! I need to stop by more often. Looks like you guys have a lot of fun. I'm jealous of all the history that you and your kids get to learn about out there. Kids out here just want to veg at the beach. Our home search continues. Hopefully someday it'll end! Hope all's well!